Make friends and get involved

Senior Corps Program
Through our Senior Corps program, we connect today’s 55+ with the people who need them most.
We help our volunteers become mentors, coaches or companions to people in need, or contribute their job skills and expertise to community projects and organizations. Volunteers receive guidance and training so they can make a contribution that suit their talents, interests, and availability. You might see us in the kitchen or out in the community.
The contributions of skills, knowledge, and experience of our Senior Corp member volunteers make a real difference to individuals, nonprofits, and organizations community wide.
Community Volunteer Program
The Community Volunteer Service Program matches individuals, ranging from youth to retired senior volunteers, with various skills to assist other nonprofits and agencies throughout Midland. Do you want to build houses, prepare meals, aid disaster victims, serve as a literacy tutor, compile mailings for nonprofits, sort clothing & donations, serve our local veterans, or read to children? Want to do something different every day, every week, and every month sound interesting to you? Then, let the Community Volunteer Program get you plugged in! We can help you be as busy as you want with meaningful and social work. The Community Volunteer Program provides thousands of volunteer hours to benefit Midland. This program works with volunteers who are needed and wanted and who make a difference in our community, all while making friends and having fun.
Foster Grandparents
Teachers at MISD are lined up to request a Foster Grandparent. This program puts seniors, that kids refer to as “grandma” or “grandpa” in the classroom to do what grandparents do….they hug, they read stores, help with homework, let kids sit in their lap and they listen. Who benefits? Who doesn’t? Grandparents are NEEDED, to provide children with love and teachers have a bit of help. Some of our Foster Grandparents qualify for a tax free stipend to supplement their income. There is no educational requirement to be a Foster Grandparent, just a love for children!
Senior Companions
“I’m so lonely” and “I just want someone to talk to” are things we often hear. Do you like to play cards, watch TV or just chat? Perhaps you can help someone with their grocery list or help them get to an appointment on time? Our Senior Companions fulfill those kinds of requests. We connect people to fulfill this basic human requirement of companionship. Some of our senior companion volunteers quality for a tax free stipend to supplement their income.